суббота, 21 августа 2010 г.

The fake profile  

Posted on 23:26 by alex

The fake profile is the most common scam. Very effective, simple

to do, easy to get away with, and easy to be duped by. Beware.

It involves the creation of a fake profile with a fake picture,

and bogus information to entice people (usually males) to part

with their money. There are also fake male profiles to entice

females but these arefew and far between as the financial benefits

are potentially much less (males are more willing to pay to email

than females).

It is so easy to do, anyone can do it in a few minutes. J ust

create yourself an anonymous email address, create an account

with the site and submit the profile and photo and then forget

about the whole thing. Any replies to the profile will end up in the

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